Posted on 5/26/2022
What Is An Engine Tune-up? To preserve your engine's performance, it's imperative to go for routine tune-ups. Tune-ups are a vital requirement of preventative maintenance that can help you avoid car-tastrophes as well as keep expensive repairs to a minimum. Additionally, tune-ups can help you pick up potential problems that the onboard diagnostics system isn't able to detect. An engine tune-up is the process of refreshing your car's engine by going through a few key areas to ensure everything is clean and in the correct working order. It's important to note that this may mean taking different steps for different engine types, but usually these steps entail inspecting: The condition of the fluid levels and performing an oil change if necessary. The serpentine belt and hoses for any signs of age such as damage or cracking and replacing if necessary. The engine's fuel-system components to ensure the fuel filter has not clogged up and no damage ... read more